Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Pudding day!

Today was set aside for making my Christmas pudding. It has become my task for family Christmases since my Mum is no longer around to make it.

This is her recipe, made in the mixing bowl she gave me one Christmas, many years ago.

She always made it in a cloth, usually it steamed away Christmas morning so it was ready after lunch. I'm not that confident!

I am getting better at it with practice, but I always make it ahead of time in case something goes wrong. One year I left out all the ingredients which give it the dark, fruity colour and it looked so anaemic, I had to make another one.
Anyway, as they say, 'the proof of the pudding is in the eating', but we have to wait a week for that!


  1. Nothing nicer than homemade pudding! Yum!

  2. Good Morning Carolyn, Christmas pudding is something that I have only read about in English novels. I do hope you post a photo of it when it is done. I looks like a long process and has my imagination whirling. Somewhere between my English roots and my American life style, this tradition was lost. I'm thinking it might be something that I would like to bring back :) I have English and Dutch roots and my husband has German and Jewish roots (I guess that's why they call America the melting pot, LOL). I have been giving a lot of thought to bringing back some of your heritage through cooking. I've only tried a few recipes, but I am having fun with this idea and it is giving us some varitiy in your meals.
    Here's wishing you a wonderful Christmas.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)
